Kimly Coffeeshop is one of the largest traditional coffeeshop in Singapore.
At present, we have 85 outlets and drinks stalls. We are that neighbourhood name that Singaporeans grow up with,
Where friends celebrate,
Where colleagues meet,
Where families come together
A familiar place, a familiar taste!

HOLIM 好喝! Is the brainchild of Kimly Coffeeshop.
Established in 2019, it is a series of specially brewed local beverage concocted by our team of skilled and experienced 咖啡师傅 (Coffee chefs) in our coffeeshop.A cup of Holim has Love, Nostalgia and everything nice!
We have sold over half a million cups since March 2020 and continue to capture the hearts of many locals who are devoted to the traditional taste of Kopi & Teh. ❤Watch this space for more exciting Holim Creations…